Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Day 3 of my detox

So far so good! I haven't had anything on the 'no no' list. I feel great and don't let me start on my bowel movements (TMI, I know).

For me, I needed to do lots of prep work so I can have great food available. If the food was going to be boring, I would slip and cheat.  I took my blood pressure yesterday and it went down to 137/91 so that is a lot better than 158/110.  Watching my sodium intake, no more than 1500mg per day.

Here is my diet for today:

For the am snack: I am doing a post smoothie worked out. I made the smoothie with 1/2 cup of freshly squeezed lemon, 7 frozen strawberries, 1 banana, 1 tsp of chia seeds, 1/2 tsp of protein powder.

I like to do early prep but be careful with smoothies, they loose nutrients if you wait, but if you use lemon juice it helps keep the nutrients (google it).

My work out will include:
A warm up of:
Power jacks
Knee lifts
Leg kicks with arm crossover

Work out includes:
Bosu ball squats (for balance)
Wall ball squats with a bicep curl
Lunges on Bosu ball
A back exercise (can't figure out what it is called)
Sumo squats