Friday, September 6, 2013

Let's Get Physical

Isn't it fun when you listen to a song as an adult that you heard as a child and realize the content was.... ahem... not at all what you thought.

I have had that experience, where I hear a song, that I haven't heard in years and I'm like "saayyy... that is a bad bad"

There is the obvious, Physical by Oliva Newton John .  This was out when I was about 10..I truly thought they were talking about exercise. I realized later in life, of course that was not the case. I only thought of this first because I was singing it this morning in the shower thinking about my work out at the gym.

Then there is: She Bob by Cyndi Lauper, Dancing with myself by Billy Idol. I just found out about that one...duh. LOL. Love come down by Evelyn Champagne King.  And who can forget, Donna Summer's (my twin, so people say... the young Donna Summer, not the old one) Bad Girls.  While it is spelled out in the title, at age 8, who knew it was about street

I just keep thinking, wow, my mother let me run around and sing all these songs? Ha ha, just joking mom.  Toot Toot..heeyy...beep beep.

Sorry to deviate from fitness and food, but there are other things in life too ;)

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